Attended another workshop this month in Manhattan. Just an afternoon to hang out with fellow photographers and let the creative juices flow.
I never know what is going to capture my attention, but I love it when hitting that shutter feels just right.
I don't usually don't consider myself a "nature" photographer, but this particular day, it was difficult not to be captivated by the beauty and refuge that these trees provided. I mean it was brutally hot that day and we were outside shooting for 4 hours. Why is there is never a water fountain or a street vendor around when you need one?
This was a fun shot I took after I finally found some water and was sitting down, gulping it down. It's all about trying out different perspectives, even when not looking through the viewfinder.
I was trying to freeze the water flow with this shot but I think it would work better if I would've had a bigger stream to work with. Still I like how it came out!
And of course you can't go to Central Park and not witness some fantastic talent. These musicians were truly great and made my day!